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The following courses are offered in the Department of Physics and Astronomy in the area of Astronomy and Astrophysics. Check out the Schedule of Classes from the Registrar's Office to see when the courses will be available.

Graduate Courses

ASTR 675: Selected Topics in Astrophysics
    Comprehensive study of an area of astrophysics. Areas to be studied may include nucleosynthesis and stellar evolution, extragalactic distance scale, structure and evolution of galaxies, and large-scale structre of the universe.
ASTR 802: Stellar Structure and Evolution
    Physical principles governing the structure, power, luminosity and evolution of stars. Topics include equation of state, equations for pressure and thermal balance, heat transport, thermonuclear power and numerical techniques of structure calculation.
ASTR 803: Galactic Structure
    Kinematics, dynamics and content of the Milky Way galaxy. Topics include galactic rotation, galactic distance scale, stellar population, spiral structure, the galactic center, and the evolution of the Milky Way and other galaxies.
ASTR 805: Nuclear Astrophysics
    Nuclear science applied to problems in astronomy. Topics include nuclear structure, fusion reactions, weak and electromagnetic reactions, nuclear burning in stars and resulting abundances of nuclides.
ASTR 875: Selected Topics
    Study of one or more advanced topics in contemporary astrophysics.

Undergraduate Courses

ASTR 101: Solar System Astronomy
    A descriptive survey of the universe, with emphasis on basic physical concepts and the objects in our solar system, is presented. Related topics of current interest will be included. For nonscience majors.
ASTR 102: Stellar Astronomy
    A descriptive survey of the universe, with emphasis on basic physical concepts and galactic and extragalactic objects, is presented. Related topics of current interest will be included. For nonscience majors.
ASTR 103: Solar System Astronomy Laboratory
    Optional laboratory to accompany ASTR 101. Demonstrations, laboratory exercises and planetarium visits will supplement the lecture course.
ASTR 104: Stellar Astronomy Laboratory
    Optional laboratory to accompany ASTR 102. Demonstrations, laboratory exercises and planetarium visits will supplement the lecture course.
ASTR (GEOL) 220: Planetary Science
    Survey of the formation and evolution of planetary bodies. Emphasis is placed upon the origin of planetary material and comparative study of the primary processes operative on planetary surfaces. The major features of the planets and moons in our solar system, as revealed by recent space missions, are described.
ASTR 302: Stellar Astrophysics
    Study of the basic physical concepts necessary for understanding the sun, other stars, and their evolution. Topics include star formation, stellar structure and evolution, binary stars, and observational techniques.
ASTR 303: Galactic Astrophysics
    Study of the basic physical concepts necessary for understanding the structure of the galaxy, the motions of the stars within it, the nature of the interstellar matter, other galaxies, the large-scale structure of the universe, and the origin of the solar system.
ASTR 475, 675: Selected Topics in Astrophysics
    Comprehensive study of an area of astrophysics. Areas to be studied may include nucleosynthesis and stellar evolution, extragalactic distance scale, structure and evolution of galaxies, and large-scale structre of the universe.

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