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Scheduling a show can easily be done. Follow these guidelines and we will be more than happy to set up a show for you.

How large of a group are you bringing?

We do have a limit on the number of people allowed in the planetarium. If your group is too large we may request you break into two or more smaller groups.

Are there any specific time(s) you would like the show(s) to be at?

We currently have 5 trained operators with varying schedules. We would like to be able to accomodate your group as best we can. Please be advised that if you schedule other events on campus you will need to take into account the travel time between locations. Clemson University is a large campus and parking can be a problem at times.

Do you have any special needs?

Our planetarium does have a ramp for wheelchair access, but we do not have much room for more than two wheelchairs in the upper seating area. There is space beside the control panel for someone to sit and still be able to see the show. If you will have someone with a wheelchair we ask that you please inform us at the time you are scheduling the show.

What age group are you bringing?

Our shows can be tailored to any age group but it is easier for us to plan ahead what will be shown.

Do you have any special topics that you would like us to mention?

If you are on a tight schedule the shortest show we will do is 25 minutes. You can request shows for up to 1.5 hours if you have specific topics you would like addressed.

To schedule a show please contact the Clemson University Visitor's Center at 864-656-4789.

Clemson University Homepage Clemson Astrophysics Clemson Astrophysics CU Planetarium Index CU Planetarium Information CU Planetarium Email
Department of Physics and Astronomy
118 Kinard Laboratory
Clemson University
Clemson, SC 29634-0978

Web site created by G. Grant Williams.