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The Clemson University Planetarium is located in 112 Kinard Laboratory of Physics. The room is equipped with a 24' dome, a model A3P Spitz Laboratories, Inc. star projector, two slide projectors, a full sound system, and an online computer with projector. The planetarium, which is handicap accessable, seats approximately 45 visitors.

Normal operations began circa September 1961 and since that time operators have entertained and elightened more than 1000 visiting groups. Topics covered during a typical show can be found in the preparation section. Slide shows include but are not limited to images from the Voyager, Hubble Space Telescope, and Mars Pathfinder Missions. The computer interface is useful for displaying constellation lines and figures as well as exploring the many astronomical internet sites.
Projector The planetarium is presently being operated on a volunteer basis. Both faculty members and graduate students are involved in the production of shows. Additional operator duties include general maintenance and upgrades.

Groups can schedule shows for either weekdays or weekends through the Clemson University Visitors Center at 864-656-4789. In addition to scheduled shows, public shows which will include lectures and observing sessions will be given several times throughout year.

For more information on planetarium shows for your group call the Visitors Center at 864-656-4789

Clemson University Homepage Clemson Astrophysics Clemson Astrophysics CU Planetarium Index CU Planetarium Information CU Planetarium Email
Department of Physics and Astronomy
118 Kinard Laboratory
Clemson University
Clemson, SC 29634-0978

Web site created by G. Grant Williams.